01 Oct 2022

Wishes Do Come True...

...and dreams too!

To say from January 2021 to June 2022 was challenging is an understatement: chemo, three major ops, blocked urethra, periodic infections and hospitalizations, to name but a few.

During a conversation with a doctor, I mentioned that I hoped the nephrostomy could be removed and that I could be around for another summer and swim in the sea. Well, I got my wish: summer was gorgeous, surgeons with magic hands removed the nephrostomy and here I am swimming.

On top of that, as a tennis fan, I’ve always had a dream of visiting Wimbledon. Well, my brother organized centre-court seats for me this year. I cried with happiness to see my brother and spend one glorious day at this amazing tournament.

So, the last 18 months have ended on a high. Marvelous, just marvelous!