19 Jan 2024


I was diagnosed with Stage IV ovarian cancer in December 2019. It had ‘gone rogue’. (metastasized) Naturally, we were overwhelmed. Everyone in this situation feels the same way.

We didn’t sleep that night. Rob told me his heart was pounding, that he could feel and hear it beating. As dawn broke and we clung to each other, I remember saying to him, ‘This is day one. We are in panic mode and need help from our G.P.’

Our doctor listened in silence. We were panicked not depressed. We left with medication we only needed for one day.

Constant anxiety replaced panic.

Months of chemo, 3 major surgeries and a mountain of drugs followed.

But . . . It’s now January 2024!

No one knows what the future holds.

Rob and I just enjoy our days together … as always.