23 Aug 2022

Am I Nervous?

Tomorrow, I am going to have an operation to close the nephrostomy from my left kidney. A thin pipe connecting my left kidney to a nephrostomy bag on my back has been in place for over a year. (A nephrostomy is an opening between the kidney and the skin.)

I have had to have a nephrostomy for a year after the tube from my left kidney to my bladder became blocked. Two of Malta’s finest surgeons will cut out the blocked section of tube then reconnect it. They will also check my bowel.

After the blocked tube has been reconnected, a stent will be inserted to ensure it stays open. The nephrostomy pipe currently inserted into my left kidney and which comes out of my back, will remain in place for a few days after the operation. Finally, dye will be passed through my ‘new and improved’ tube to confirm that it remains unblocked. I will be in Mater Dei for seven to ten days.

So, friends, send some good wishes to the surgeons and yours truly so that I can wear a swimming costume and trousers again.

I will keep you posted.

Am I nervous? Yes, I am.